In order for a person to achieve something in life, it is required to have constant search, aspiration, hard work, as well as knowledge. Of course, the limits of knowledge acquisition are also related to its own goals and capabilities. Higher education, on the other hand, serves as the foundation for a meaningful life in the future, such as living a prosperous life, bringing one's knowledge and abilities to the surface, becoming a good professional, benefiting family and society, gaining respect and recognition, experience at the international level.
The social, legal state creates opportunities for achieving these goals and takes measures to motivate young people.
In fact, the abundance of people with higher education is beneficial to society, which is important in the development of the country, as the growth of literacy levels, as it forms the basis for the development of various sectors of the economy. Therefore, in the Constitution, which is the main document of the country's life, it is extremely important to establish and consolidate the legal framework of opportunities in this direction.
For this reason, the right to higher education is being increased up to the level of the Constitution.
In recent years, it has been observed that the interest in higher education among the population, the growing need and the opportunities for it have become quite difficult. This is first of all evidence of the fact that the ranks of our young people who wish to enter higher education institutions have expanded significantly, and educational institutions that give this opportunity have also increased. The opening of many private universities, the transition to such forms of education as correspondence, evening and distance also indicate a breeze of these opportunities.
The issue of covering broad segments of the population with higher education was also raised by our president at the UN pulpit, and by 2030, 50% of young people in Uzbekistan are planned to have higher education.
The fact that this goal began to be realized can be seen in the following arguments. In recent years, the number of higher education institutions in Uzbekistan has increased by 2.5 times to 200, the level of coverage with higher education has increased from 9% to 38%.
At this point, it is permissible to dwell on another important aspect in the coverage of young people with higher education. This is also a matter of supporting them financially. In particular, since 2017, the number of state grants allocated to higher education has increased by 2 times to 40 thousand. For Higher Education, a system of preferential lending is introduced, in the process of which the practice of allocating interest-free loans to women is introduced. State grants for graduate studies increased 5 times. The number of state grants for women with children from disadvantaged families was increased by 2 times. The practice of allocating a state grant to the training of specialists in non-state higher education institutions has been established. The education of all girls in graduate school began to be covered by the state.
It is clear that these efforts and experiences will pay off, and this process, associated with the comprehensive support of the population's aspirations for higher education, will be of great importance for the future of our youth.
In the updated constitution, the right of young people to study at the expense of a state grant on a competitive basis for higher education institutions is strictly established. In particular, the presence of the sentence "citizens have the right to higher education at the expense of the state on a competitive basis in state educational organizations" in Part 1 of Article 51 of the general committee serves as the basis of this right.
And our young people are required to have high performance in admission competitions, read books regularly to get the opportunity to study on the basis of a state grant, to master the educational programs perfectly and to participate appropriately in exams.
It is also worth noting that the legal basis of another important aspect aimed at developing higher education institutions in accordance with modern requirements, improving the quality of education and raising indicators with the introduction of advanced experience is the development of the Mus in the new editorial Constitution.
This is related to Section 51 (2), which states that "higher education organizations have the right to academic freedom, self-government, freedom to conduct research, and freedom of instruction in accordance with the law".
In place of the information, to date, only 41 of the more than 170 public universities in Uzbekistan have been granted academic and financial independence.
Academic freedom is the freedom of education and scientific research in higher education institutions. This freedom is manifested in the independent formation of the educational process with the introduction of advanced experiments, the freedom to teach professors, the independent selection and research of scientific research topics, the publication and dissemination of its results, the non-limitation of academic freedom of professors and scientific staff, etc.
It should be noted that activities have begun aimed at improving training plans and improving the quality of education, having learned international experience in this regard, joint educational programs are organized and educational processes are being carried out by mutual agreement with foreign universities.
It is in this direction that the establishment of the basis of The started activity at the constitutional level strengthens the self-management and competitive training ground of higher education institutions and, based on the specifics of the educational direction, determines the rights of independence in making decisions on the establishment of educational procedures at the level of the constitutional norm.
In general, our main body is a reliable guarantee of our future — the legal foundation of all achievements and achievements on the path of building a new life, a new society in our country. Already, the improved Constitution, that is, all these innovations, will undoubtedly be an important step in the creation and development of suitable higher education conditions for them, in the pursuit of interest and passion of young people for learning, for the manifestation of their talent.
Do not forget that higher education is considered a period when a person acquires knowledge in his maturation, accumulates skills and develops skills. And naturally, people with deep knowledge, a wide worldview, wise people have always won the love of our people and have been glorified, their activities have been highly appreciated.
Madomiki is such that the guys and girls who follow the clear path of their dreams are obliged to feel and, of course, appreciate that our Constitution is their protector in achieving the huge goals set for them.
Gulchehra Rixsieva,
Rector of Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies.