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Uzbekistan promotes optimal transport routes to world markets

The President of Uzbekistan outlined the tasks of establishing constructive and mutually beneficial cooperation with the Central Asian states in all directions, including in the field of transport. 

One of the important achievements in this direction is the signing of an agreement on the implementation of a strategic project for the construction of the China—Kyrgyzstan—Uzbekistan railway, which has become a historic event. 
This important infrastructure project, considered an integral part of the Transcontinental Transport and Transit Corridor within the framework of the "One Belt, One Road" initiative, fully corresponds to the interests of three countries — Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and China. The new railway will contribute to the expansion of economic ties with China, further deepening friendship and comprehensive strategic partnership relations. 
Modern interpretation of ancient routes 
The China—Kyrgyzstan—Uzbekistan railway will run along the route of the Great Silk Road. The participating States of the project are beginning to restore this ancient path, which for many centuries has served the development of trade relations and cultural exchange. The railway will be the shortest connecting China with our region. Its construction will improve the quality of cargo transportation and significantly reduce the time and money spent on this. 
According to experts, the volume of cargo transportation can reach 15 million tons per year, the delivery time of goods to the end user will be reduced by seven days. In addition, modern infrastructure for transit and logistics, warehouses and terminals will be created. The positive economic impact of this project will be felt by the countries of the region. First of all, new enterprises and tens of thousands of jobs will be created, the volume of mutual trade and the scale of industrial cooperation will increase, and investment attractiveness will increase. In the future, the railway will give our countries the opportunity to enter the large markets of South Asia and the Middle East through the promising Trans-Afghan corridor, significantly strengthen transit potential and interregional communication. 
For China, the road will be the shortest route not only to Central Asia, but also to the Middle East. Currently, China sends its cargoes to Europe via the routes China — Mongolia — Russia — Belarus — the European Union (8,650 kilometers), China — Kazakhstan — the Caspian Sea — Azerbaijan — Georgia — Turkey — the European Union (9,120 kilometers), China — Kazakhstan — Turkmenistan — Iran — Turkey — the European Union (10 170 kilometers), China — the sea route of the European Union (more than 10 thousand kilometers). The railway through Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan can continue along the existing Turkmenistan — Iran — Turkey — European Union route, thereby reducing the distance by 900 kilometers and the travel time by eight days. Conflicts in Europe and instability in the Middle East have prompted international cargo carriers to find new destinations. Therefore, there is more talk about the advantages of the Central Asian route in the transportation of goods.
All the necessary infrastructure has been created on the territory of Uzbekistan for the implementation of this large-scale project. In addition, our country is expanding the national network of modern railways and highways. In order to accelerate the processes of processing and transportation of goods, it is actively introducing digital technologies. 
 In greeting the participants of the signing ceremony of the Agreement on the implementation of the strategic project for the construction of the China — Kyrgyzstan —Uzbekistan railway, the Head of our state noted that the Uzbek side is ready to continue close practical work on the construction of the railway, the full implementation of the signed agreement and the adopted roadmap. The strategic project of the China—Kyrgyzstan—Uzbekistan railway, which meets common long-term interests, will serve to strengthen friendship and partnership, prosperity and well-being of our countries and peoples.
It is no coincidence that during the online summit of the heads of state of Central Asia and China on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, the Presidents of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan made a proposal to accelerate the construction of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway.
Transport infrastructure is a driver of the development of trade and economic cooperation between the countries of Central Asia and China. Logistical disruptions in the supply of goods to China — Central Asia, which arose due to the pandemic, left many industries in the region without the necessary equipment and raw materials. This condition had a negative impact on the timing and quality of the implementation of priority investment projects. Therefore, it is extremely important to develop system solutions to ensure the continuity of cargo flows and the development of transcontinental logistics directions.  
From Central Asia to the Indian Ocean
South Asia is geographically very close to Central Asia. For example, from the city of Termez to the Pakistani port of Karachi is only 660 kilometers. From this point of view, the Mazar-I—Sharif—Kabul-Peshawar route is the shortest road leading from Central Asia to the Indian Ocean. 
Access to seaports and the creation of transport corridors convenient for this is a strategic task for Uzbekistan. Without this, it is impossible to trade with the outside world, ensure the availability of national products, increase export potential and accelerate economic development. Until recently, Afghanistan and Pakistan were viewed only as a source of threat. There was such a tendency to keep a distance from them as much as possible and to conduct relations at all levels formally. But in 2016, Uzbekistan changed its approach to this issue. At the initiative of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, neighboring Afghanistan began to be recognized as a country of opportunity. Uzbekistan, which had previously strengthened bilateral cooperation with India, expressed interest in building the Mazar-I-Sharif—Herat railway stretching to the Iranian port of Chabahar. Now, along with strengthening relations with Pakistan, our country is joining another major transport and logistics project - the Trans—Afghan Railway leading to Peshawar, which pursues considerable economic interests.
The Central Asian States consider the development of transport and communication systems as a priority task. In particular, air flights and the Galaba—Amuzang—Khushodi railway have been restored between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Through the joint efforts of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, new Turkmenabad —Farab railway and automobile bridges across the Amu Darya were opened. This made it possible to increase the volume of cargo transportation by 2.5 times. Bridges across the Amu Darya made it possible to directly transport goods to the Asia-Pacific region, and from South Asian states to the Caspian region, and then to the Black and Mediterranean Seas, to the countries of Europe, Transcaucasia, the Middle East. This link is also considered an important element of the Uzbekistan—Turkmenistan—Iran—Oman route. Bus and high-speed rail links have been established between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. For the first time, the Tashkent— Andijan — Osh — Irkeshtam—Kashgar highway has been launched, which directly connects from Central Asia to China through Kyrgyzstan.
The implementation of the China—Kyrgyzstan—Uzbekistan railway construction project will provide an opportunity to expand trade and economic relations between the project participants and other Central Asian states with China. It should be noted that in 2023, China imported products worth more than $2 trillion. For the SCO countries, this figure amounted to $ 300 billion. China wants to bring imports to $30 trillion. The route for the delivery of goods from China to Europe through Central Asia is twice as short as by sea. In comparison with the transport corridor passing through Russia, it is 2.5 times shorter. 
Initiatives aimed at the future
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, speaking on September 23, 2020 at the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly, made a proposal to create a Regional center for the development of transport and Communication Connectivity under the auspices of the United Nations.  
The establishment of the center will contribute to the implementation of a number of initiatives put forward by the President of Uzbekistan, including the development of a Strategy for the development of regional transport corridors in Central Asia, the adoption on this basis of a regional program for the sustainable development of the transport system of Central Asia, the formation of the regional council of Central Asian countries for transport communications. 
It is no coincidence that Uzbekistan is promoting the initiative on the development of transport and transit corridors. The country's foreign trade is suffering due to the disruption of supply chains and rising transportation costs. The reasons for this are, in particular, the lack of direct access to seaports and dependence on available transport routes. In addition, it is possible that in the future Europe may play an important role in diversifying Uzbekistan's exports. 
The Republic carries out export deliveries through the port of Turkmenbashi in Turkmenistan. The expansion of the Middle Corridor should contribute to the implementation of Uzbekistan's plans to turn into a regional logistics center. In the medium term, the country will improve ties and diversify external trade routes.  
Previously, access to international markets was only available via the northern route. In the second half of the 90s of the last century, it became possible to access the Persian Gulf through the city of Tezen (Turkmenistan), use the seaport of Iran - Bandar Abbas. At one time, Uzbek cotton was delivered to the southern markets along this route, due to the new direction, the transport costs of the republic were slightly reduced.
