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"Not leaving anyone behind"

Why are sustainable development goals based on this principle?

In accordance with the resolution of the UN General Assembly, the Republic of Uzbekistan has taken on the "implementation of national goals and objectives in the field of Sustainable Development Goals for the period up to 2030".
Systematic work in this regard, especially in the following years, pays off.
This issue is under the constant attention of our President. In particular, the appeals of the head of our state to the Supreme Assembly set out ways to effectively implement the national goals and objectives in Uzbekistan.  
Our president, in his speech at the 75th session of the UN General Assembly, promoted a number of initiatives on urgent issues such as strengthening peace on a regional and global scale, ensuring sustainable development, supporting human rights compliance, expanding constructive dialogue, as well as climate change, the problem of food security, ending poverty and reducing poverty.
The proposal to adopt the resolution"on strengthening the role of parliaments in accelerating the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (BRMS)" was unanimously approved at the summit of this International Organization on December 14, 2020. This is another confirmation of the international support of Uzbek initiatives in solving problems facing the region and the world community, on the basis of which regulatory documents of international organizations are developed and put into practice.
In general, what is understood by Sustainable Development?
Our conversation with Zohidjon Ziyaev, deputy director of the statistical agency under the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan, began with such a question. - Sustainable development means to progress without harming the future generation in meeting the needs of people who are currently lifelong. Or, in other words, to achieve progress that does not harm future generations in meeting the needs of current activities and modern society, but provides a balance between them.
Sustainable development (), also known as harmonious development, balanced development is a process of economic and social change in which Natural Resources, Investment, scientific and technological development directions, personal development and institutional changes are coordinated with each other and strengthen the current and future potential to meet human needs, aspirations. Moreover, sustainable development is understood in many ways to ensure the quality of life of people.
The main idea of the UN Sustainable Development Goals is not to leave anyone behind. It is for this reason that in the case of poverty loss, it is necessary, first of all, to focus on human capital. Today, it is not enough to bring a person out of a state of need. Social protection should be aimed at expanding opportunities, not just support.
Such an approach will help to move forward.
— What role does the Millennium Development Program play in the decision-making by the world community to achieve sustainable development goals?
- First of all, on the basis of the goals of sustainable development, the progress made on the goals of millennial development lies and implies the continuation of efforts to eradicate all manifestations of poverty.
The Millennium Development Goals include eight international development programs aimed at accelerating development by improving social and economic conditions in the poorest countries of the world, which were agreed to be achieved by 193 UN member states in 2000 with the participation of 23 international organizations by 2015. These consist of ending poverty and famine, ensuring general primary education, promoting gender equality and expanding women's opportunities, reducing child mortality, improving maternal health, combating HIV/ AIDS, malaria and other diseases, ensuring environmental sustainability, forming global cooperation for development.
These goals were officially set at the Millennium Summit in 2000, when the leaders of all participating nations adopted and set about ensuring the implementation of the UN Millennium Declaration.
At a high-level meeting of the council coordinating the economic and social activities of this organization in 2015, the UN secretary-general presented a report summarizing the final results of the implementation of eight goals in all regions and countries of the world. It noted that the number of people living in extreme poverty on a global scale has doubled to 836 million by 2015 if 1.9 billion people lived in such conditions in 1990.
Taking into account its success, and at the same time the need to adopt a new agenda, which is an integral continuation of it, the countries that have adopted the Millennium Development Goals program have reached an agreement on the final document "changing our world: a sustainable development agenda until 2030", which arose on the basis of many years of analysis of the This new agenda was adopted at the 70th session of the UN General Assembly in September 2015.
This resolution is in principle a new global commitment. In it, the 17 goals of sustainable development and the 169 tasks of achieving it covered a wide range of issues, from people's health and well-being to climate change, from gender equality to changes in consumption and production models.
- On a Global scale, 17 Sustainable Development Goals have been approved, and 16 of them have been adopted in Uzbekistan. What is the reason?
— In accordance with the above-mentioned resolution, in order to achieve the set goals in the field of sustainable development until 2030, each state in the world has set its own national goals and strategies for achieving them, taking into account their geographical location, capabilities and level of development.
In Uzbekistan, too, to form a clear mechanism for the implementation of the "agenda in the field of sustainable development until 2030" and to them
in order to achieve this, working groups on directions were formed by the Cabinet of Ministers and carried out a study on the adaptation of each global goal and task based on national priorities.
Studies have revealed the possibility of relevant work in Uzbekistan on 16 out of a total of 17 global Sustainable Development Goals. Taking into account the fact that the territory of our country is not contiguous with the ocean and sea, it was found that the 14th goal, known as "preservation and sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine resources for Sustainable Development", and the 10 tasks that are part of it, cannot be achieved in our country.
By the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of October 20, 2018 "on measures to implement national goals and objectives in the field of sustainable development in the period up to 2030", 16 goals and 125 tasks considered relevant for the Republic of Uzbekistan were approved.
To achieve the 16 goals set by the government's decision of February 21, 2022 "on additional measures to accelerate the implementation of national goals and objectives in the field of sustainable development in the period up to 2030", the tasks were expanded to 126 and 190 national BRM indicators were approved.
— What work is being done in our country to monitor the results of achieving sustainable development goals and to inform the public about them?
- In order to track the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals and to make management decisions in this area, accurate and timely prepared, distributed in terms of characteristics, up-to-date and easy-to-use statistics will be necessary.
In this regard, the statistical community is tasked with the formation of indicators in the field of sustainable development until 2030. Like other countries of the world, a Coordination Council was formed in Uzbekistan with the aim of organizing systematic work on achieving sustainable development goals at the national level. Expert groups such as "economic welfare", "social protection", "health", "education", "environment", "effective management" were also established, with the aim of providing cross-sectoral coordination and an integrated approach to this.
Under the leadership of the statistical agency under the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan, an interdepartmental working group on indicators of National Sustainable Development Goals has been established, the responsibility of which is to constantly update the system of indicators of MBRM on the basis of global indicators in this regard and form its methodology, to constantly collect them and www.nsdg.stat.uz) tasks such as proclaiming are imposed.

Over the past period, the statistical agency, in cooperation with the relevant ministries and departments, has developed a list of 190 indicators of National Sustainable Development Goals, which are considered important for Uzbekistan.
The Web page of the UN statistics department covers the work carried out in this area by states with advanced experience in Sustainable Development Goals. As of the end of 2022, the Republic of Uzbekistan has been ranked among the 87 countries with advanced experience, and information about the work carried out in our country to track the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals and to inform the public has been published.
In order to track the results achieved on the goals of sustainable development and provide users with up-to-date information about the current situation in the country in this area, with the technical support of the UNDP, in 2019 the website on the indicators of National Sustainable Development Goals in the Republic of Uzbekistan (https://nsdg.stat.uz/) activity was established.
This website is the only and reliable source of information for national and international users in the analysis and monitoring of Uzbekistan's achievements on Sustainable Development Goals. Another advantage is that those who enter it have a convenient interface that allows you to upload new indicators, as well as methodological information, with different levels of detail without using software tools. Coordination of data flow for downloading and managing the platform is carried out by the statistical agency. It implements modern visualization techniques that allow the user to create analytical tables and select the most suitable types of graphic images. Each indicator, in which there is a calculation methodology and other information, is taken into account.
The Website is run in Uzbek, Russian and English. This platform is an excellent example of advanced practice among the CIS countries and a practical result of successful cooperation with the UN system.
Our agency has prepared and published in three languages (Russian, Uzbek and English) "statistical indicators for achieving national brms in the Republic of Uzbekistan" for 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021. The work of printing the indicators of the previous year will soon be completed.
In addition, the statistical agency is a new ESCATO-BRM tool designed to measure national progress towards achieving sustainable development goals and to politically report progress so that the country can use its national data and indicators
Introduced "SDG Tracker" and created a user-friendly dashboard. At the moment, work is underway to enter the available data into the control panel of the BRM "SDG Tracker".
Today, the National BRM website, maintained by the statistics agency, has 128 national BRM indicators in three languages (Russian, Uzbek and English), while 60 indicators are on The "Tracker" BRM control panel.
— What activities are carried out internationally when monitoring the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals?
-Paragraph 79 of Resolution 70/1son of the UN General Assembly provides recommendations on exactly what will be done at the national level in this area. It emphasized that the countries themselves manage these reports, take into account the opinions of indigenous peoples, civil society, the private sector and other stakeholders in accordance with national conditions, strategies and priorities, that these processes can be supported by national parliaments, among other institutions.
These national reports highlight the economic and social activities of the UN
it serves as the basis for regular review by the high-level political forum, which meets under the auspices of the Coordinating Council. Regular reports from the top-level political forum are voluntary and run by states, as outlined in paragraph 84 of the UN Global Agenda for the period up to 2030.
The voluntary national report will be able to accelerate the implementation of the UN Global Agenda in the period up to 2030, including the exchange of experience on successes, difficulties and lessons learned. In particular, at the high-level Political Forum in July 2023, 2 speakers (States) will present their voluntary national report for the first time, 39 for the second time and 1 for the third time.
Uzbekistan first submitted its voluntary national report on achieving sustainable development goals in 2020. Within the framework of the implementation of the Cabinet resolution of February 21, 2022 "on additional measures to accelerate the implementation of national goals and objectives in the field of sustainable development in the period up to 2030", a "road map" was approved in preparation for the second voluntary national report covering the period up to 2026.
Currently, its initial project is being prepared and work is being carried out to improve the report by interested ministries and departments and international organizations operating in our country.
In addition, the Bertelsmann International Foundation studies the trends in development of countries by their main indexes and, based on it, publishes ranking results once a year.
These ratings are based on the research of about 300 experts from the world's leading scientific organizations.
Bertelsmann International Foundation is an independent organization within the UN Sustainable Development Goals Assistance Program, and in the process of calculating the index, the foundation's independent experts publish an annual ranking based on the conclusions of data source analysis, which includes about 100 international criteria and indicators for 17 goals. In the Sustainable Development Goals Index report published by this foundation in 2022, Uzbekistan ranked 77th among 163 countries with 69.9 points.
In general, all aspects of our activities indicate that in our country, work in the field of sustainable development continues to develop on the principle of "leaving no one behind", while being carried out consistently.

The correspondent of" new Uzbekistan " talked.
