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Consular Issues

President of Uzbekistan receives the head of mission of ODIHR OSCE

On October 25 the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan received the head of election observation mission of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights at the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (ODIHR OSCE) Douglas Wake.

During the meeting there was a comprehensive exchange of views on the preparation and conduct of the forthcoming parliamentary elections in our country.
It was noted with satisfaction that an open and constructive dialogue has been established between Uzbekistan and the OSCE and its institutions, in particular, the fruitful co-operation with the Office.

The active work of the ODIHR observer mission in preparation for the upcoming parliamentary elections was highly appreciated. The Office's experts took part in the process of improving the national electoral system. The majority of their recommendations and proposals were taken into consideration and implemented in our country's legislation.

The representative of the ODIHR sincerely thanked for the attention paid to the work of the mission and expressed support for the ongoing democratic transformations and socio-economic reforms in New Uzbekistan.

It was particularly emphasized that the current elections are held for the first time under a mixed electoral system based on the provisions of the updated Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which envisages strengthening the role of parliament and local representative bodies of power.
