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What is the electoral list, in what order is it drawn up?

October 27 is the election Day for deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and local councils. There are fewer and fewer days left until this date, too.

This political event in the life of our country will serve to ensure the prosperity of our country today and tomorrow, the realization of the right to vote of citizens, will become the basis for further improvement of the life and way of life of the population, changing the appearance of territories. Therefore, at this important political event, every voter should actively exercise his civic duty, the right to vote, and approach the electoral processes with a sense of belonging. After all, the exercise of a voter's right to vote is one of the most important criteria indicating his electoral culture during the election campaign.

It should be noted here that each voter votes in the elections once at one polling station. In order to ensure this, to prevent his repeated voting at another polling station, the voter is assigned a place to vote. That is, in order to ensure the right of voters to vote, polling stations are being formed, as well as lists of voters who can vote at this polling station.

So, in what order is the list of voters compiled? What should be observed in this case?

The list of voters is considered one of the most important and important documents during the election campaign. Because on the basis of this list, the participation of voters in the electoral process is ensured. In addition, it will be the basis for observing the principle of ”one voter, one vote". The structure of voter lists based on legal requirements is important for the realization of universal, equal, direct suffrage of citizens in accordance with international electoral standards.

According to our electoral legislation, citizens who have reached the age of eighteen before election day or who are permanently or temporarily residing in the territory of this polling station at the time of drawing up the list are included in the voter list. Each voter can be included in only one voter list. It includes the surname, first name, patronymic, date of birth and address of residence of each voter.

The voter lists are compiled on the basis of data from the information system for the formation of a single electronic voter list.

Within three days after the formation of the election commission, each precinct receives a preliminary list of voters of this precinct, distributed according to a single electronic list of voters. After receiving the primary list of voters, the precinct election commission takes measures to clarify it by bypassing residents living on the territory of this precinct. Members of the public may also be involved in the work of clarifying the voter lists. The khokimiyats of districts and cities assist in the work on clarifying voter lists.

Election commissions may amend the voter lists by making amendments to the unified electronic list of voters containing the surname, first name, patronymic, date of birth and address of the voter's place of residence based on the results of a survey of residents.

The list of voters is formed by the precinct election commission for each polling station and signed by its chairman and secretary.

The issues of ensuring the suffrage of citizens in the military, sanatoriums and hospitals have not been ignored. According to the Electoral Code, lists of military personnel in military units and their family members, as well as other voters, are compiled on the basis of information provided by the commanders of military units if they live in the areas of deployment of military units. Military personnel living outside military units are included in the voter lists on a general basis at their place of residence.

Also, voter lists for polling stations formed in sanatoriums and rest homes, hospitals and other inpatient medical institutions, places of detention and deprivation of liberty are compiled on the basis of information provided by the heads of these institutions.In short, all measures to ensure this political right of every citizen who has reached the voting age are carried out in accordance with the established procedure. This allows voters to make their choice for their future, for the future of their family, district and country.
