A "Club of Friends of the Uzbek language" has been established at the Embassy of our country in Beijing. Its first meeting was held.
The event was attended by Embassy staff and members of the club, consisting of compatriots studying at Chinese universities.
The participants were informed in detail about the reforms carried out in our country in relation to the state language in recent years.
In particular, the changes in the language policy on the eve of the independence of our country and in the first years of independence were discussed in detail.
In particular, it was noted that giving the Uzbek language the status of the state language, the adoption of the law on the state language and the tasks defined in them marked the beginning of a new era in the development of the Uzbek language.
At this stage, the content of the decree of the President of Uzbekistan "On measures to radically increase the role and authority of the Uzbek language as the state language", adopted on October 21, 2019, was discussed.
On the basis of this document, the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan published a five-volume book "Uzbek tiling izoҳli lugati" ("Explanatory Dictionary of the Uzbek language"), its presentation took place.
It was reported that this collection consists of more than 80 thousand words and phrases and is the main means of improving the literacy and qualifications of employees of state organizations and institutions, enriching their knowledge.
Also, in accordance with Government Decree No. 61 dated February 10, 2021 "On measures to ensure a phased full transition to the Uzbek alphabet based on Latin graphics", in the Concept of the development of the Uzbek language and the improvement of language Policy, achieving full and proper use of the capabilities of the state language in all spheres of socio-political life of our country, as well as all ministries and departments, it was decided to fully ensure the work and circulation of interdepartmental documents will be in the state language and that the state language will be strictly observed in this process.
At the end of the meeting, it was stressed that this club will make a great contribution to the study of our history, culture, art, especially our native language, to the preservation of our identity for compatriots living in China, will help our children to get an education in the spirit of Uzbek traditions and values.